We work hard so you can work harder.



On Site First Aid Solutions

We know your employees work hard because it’s not only their livelihood, but it’s their passion - but as you know, working hard can take a toll on their bodies. From sitting at a desk all day to using heavy machinery, repeated tasks can have debilitating effects on our work performance. This is where OSFA Solutions comes in. We fill the gap between your employee’s objectives and their job’s physical demands by coming alongside you as a partner to equip and care for them. Utilizing hands on first aid, industrial based massage, we assist in maintaining high levels of work force productivity while minimizing MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders) that often lead to work comp recordable injuries.


We’re here for you.


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Industrial Based Massage

We provide muscle manipulation services to help employees feel better. Industrial based massage is highly effective in managing most general aches and soreness that develop from repetitive use, postural constraints as well as less than optimal biomechanics.


Benefits of Industrial Based Massage

Decreased discomfort after the tightness in the tissues has been released and motion has been improved upon.

Improvement in range of motion as joints can move with less “stickiness.”

Improved muscle strength can occur due to improved circulation to the treated area.

Improvement in posture, making it easier to withstand stress and work load.

Resistance to soft tissue fatigue leading to less risk of overuse injury.

Resolve overuse injuries and repetitive strain injuries quickly, and often permanently with virtually zero side effects.



Kinesiotape offers significant benefits in helping employees who are experiencing soft tissue discomfort. Not only does it help with pain relief, but it has been shown to improve circulation and lymphatic flow as well as enhancing postural awareness.

Full Location Safety Audit

This is a worst case scenario, wall to wall audit covering OSHA regulations, and beyond. The purpose of this audit is identifying any safety concerns. This covers conditions, behaviors, programs, policies and training.




Is Industrial Based Massage Considered First Aid?

Industrial Based Massage follows OSHA standard guidelines as first aid intervention and does NOT fall into the category of medical treatment. Therefore, industrial based massage is one of the first, and most effective lines of defense to minimize MSDs and workers’ compensation recordable claims. Muscle manipulation therapy plays a major role in helping employees avoid restricted work duties and light duty roles.


What do we Manage?

We manage a large variety of soft tissue aches and pains ranging from headaches, neck stiffness, shoulder discomfort, tightness between the shoulder blades in middle of back, outer and inner elbow pain, lower back discomfort, knee discomfort, stiffness in the wrist, thumb pain and much more!


“Before OSFA Solutions joined our team, our employees were suffering daily from job related injuries. Employee job performance and satisfaction was decreasing, despite the growing market for our services. OSFA Solutions changed all that! Not only are our employees pain free, but they enjoy their jobs more and we’re doubling our quarter goals!”


Contact Us


For all other general inquires, please complete the form below if you have any questions or if you are interested in a free consultation.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!